Thursday, June 26, 2008

Staying South

A slow start to our Kauai stay...but slow can be good. Spent the morning in our grassy/beach area at Kiahuna, soaking up rays, reading, body surfing, snorkeling. All great stuff. The winds and surf have really been up both on Oahu and the waves have been pretty wild! After a light lunch, I wanted to explore a bit, so we headed down the road to Spouting Horn, a blow hole through some lava rock. It was fun to watch...much like a geyser. We hung out here awhile while a huge shower moved through.
Vendors had trinkets for sale, so we browsed through that on the way back to the car...Maddie came away with something. Next we drove to Poipu Beach Park (which is just adjacent to Kiahuna, but a hike over some sharp lava on the beach side) just to check it out...looked like good snorkeling there as well (once the waves calm down). Next, I wanted to head to a string of 3 beaches that are off the beaten path a bit (neither of the kids likes when I do this...they weren't born with my adventurous spirit) called the Mahaulepu Beaches. Finding them, I got a bit...lost is not the word...diverted is better...which lead us to the Old Koloa Sugar Mill (see...the Universe provides!). Maddie was freakn' because I drove past some "No Trespassing" signs...most of which seem to be bunk on the islands (it turns out we were trespassing! Ooops) I managed to get some great shots of the old sugar mill...what a great place for a 'real' photographer to play!
Eventually we ran into Security, a nice Grandpa-aged local gent, who after I did some explaining, told me how to find the beaches I was looking harm done. Maddie said, as expected..."I told you so!" SO we drove to where Grandpa described (through some different "No Trespassing" signs ;-) and found the beaches I was looking for!

We ended the day with a delcious (expensive!) dinner at Keoki's Paradise. We were all famished, and the atmosphere was it was voted best dining experience of the trip so far. Not only that...they served each dinner with an edible flower (orchid) of which only yours truly partook! It was pretty non-descript tasting (I've eaten way worse!) , but beautiful! My tummy must have loved this unique treat! Aloha for now!

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