As was the drill the previous day, "Maddie the Adventure Girl" and I explored for cool places to hang out for the day whilst Brian was training. Today we didn't have to go too far. We found our thrills at Laie Beach Park, a.k.a 'Pounders Beach' by the locals. Well named, as the surf there taught us some respect for the power of the ocean...we got pounded! At first, Maddie was a bit hesitant, but I coaxed her in and tried to teach her how to deal with waves and undertow. In her usual spirit, she was a quick study and all over it...playing in the waves, boogie boarding a bit, and body surfing. It was wild. We knew we would be coming back after picking up Brian and having some lunch.

It was high tide when Maddie & I first got there, so we figured after lunch things would calm down a bit with the waves. Well, we were wrong! The waves were actually more gianormous at 3 o'clock when we returned. I am not great at estimating wave height, but I swear ther were waves that reached 7 feet (which doesn't sound big unless you are standind in front of one that is cresting!) So within 15 minutes with a boogie board, Brian gets crunched by a wave, snaps the boogie board, and tweaks his already weak right foot...great.... So he is out of the water (he is OK...walked it off and got back in later to battle some more). Maddie & I are out there re-calibrating to the new waves heights when this monster catches us off guard...I did a couple of sommersaults beneath the foam and lost Maddie in the chaos...and come up looking for her, only to see her 10 m away with her butt crack showing since the wave undressed her a bit! We both looked at each other with the same thought in mind...WHOA!!!!! We all came away from Pounders with a few souvenirs...scrapes, bruises, tweaks...and most importantly, a renewed

respect of the power of Mother Nature. It was a blast. Oh yeah, as we rinsed off the salt water, Brian found a new friend, Steve, the baby Geko. They became fast friends... that is until Brian dropped him and almost stepped on him. Then we said goodbye to Steve and 'Pounders'...ouch. We stopped for Chinese at a little dive in Laie that my guidebook recommended, which was very good, then got our first shaved ice of the trip for dessert. The 'smalls' were about the size of Maddie's head! While we were having dessert, enjoying the weather, we hear this car alarm go off in the parking lot. I am thinking...that sounds like about where I parked. I walk over and sure enough...the car is going nuts. All the doors were unlocked and now the keyless entry doesn't work anymore. What the heck?! I wonder if I wasn't supposed to be swimming all day with the keys in my board shorts??!! Fussy electronics, I guess. SO to top the night off, we go home, get showers, start settling in and getting comfy after a hard day at the beach...and Maddie ends up barfing up all of

her dinner and dessert AND then some!! Poor baby girl...something didn't sit right..even though she said dinner was excellent and the shave ice was good. She is OK...just purged what was in there and that was it. She felt better almost right away, and even better this morning...so all is well...phew. Anyway...enough for now. Have to exchange cars in Honolulu today by 6pm so we may do Pearl Harbor on our way...we will see how the day unfolds. ALOHA for now...Scott, Maddie & Brian!
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